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Interface StatesConfigProps




Optional children

children: ReactNode

Optional disableProgrammaticRipple

disableProgrammaticRipple: boolean

Boolean if the ripple component should not be triggered after a "programmatic" ripple effect. This would be if the .click() function is called on an element through javascript or some other means.

Optional disableRipple

disableRipple: boolean

Boolean if the ripple effect should be disabled for all child components that use the Ripple states.

Optional rippleClassNames

rippleClassNames: CSSTransitionClassNames

The class names to apply during the different stages for the ripple animation. You probably don't want to use this.

Optional rippleTimeout

rippleTimeout: number | { appear?: number; enter?: number; exit?: number } | { appear?: number; enter?: number; exit?: number }

The amount of time before a ripple finishes its animation. You probably don't want to change this value unless you updated the duration in scss or changed the different class names for the ripple animation.

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