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react-md - Transition - Installation


Create simple CSS transitions using the provided transition hooks and components utilizing the default transition timing functions. This package also provides a collapse transition, scaling transition, vertical only scaling transition, and a new page transition named cross fade.

Provided components and hooks:

  • Collapse or useCollapse - transition an element in and out of view based on the height of the element
  • CrossFade or useCrossFade - a transition generally used for a full page transition that fades and slightly moves a child component into view
  • ScaleTransition - transition an element in and out of view with a scale transform that can be updated to just be scaleY
  • useTransition - a hook implementation of the Transition component from react-transition-group
  • useCSSTransition -a hook implementation of the CSSTransition component from react-transition-group
  • useFixedPositioning - hooks into the CSSTransition component from react-transition-group to fix an element to another element within the viewport

The rmd-transition-shadow-transition mixin allows you to "performantly" transition between two box shadow values using the opacity trick. This mixin automatically creates a pseudo ::before or ::after element with the final box shadow and animates the opacity once one of the $active-selectors are triggered. The code below will help explain this part a bit more.


npm install --save @react-md/transition

It is also recommended to install the following packages as they work hand-in-hand with this package:

npm install --save @react-md/theme \


12345678910111213141516171819import React, { useState } from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import { Button } from "@react-md/button";
import { Collapse } from "@react-md/transition";

const App = () => {
  const [collapsed, setCollapsed] = useState(true);

  return (
      <Button onClick={() => setCollapsed(!collapsed)}>Toggle</Button>
      <Collapse collapsed={collapsed}>
        <div>This is my collapsible content!</div>

render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));