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react-md - Layout - Demos


This package is used for setting up your general layout as well as some convenience wrappers for initializing all the required context providers within react-md.

It is highly recommended to also check out the Configuring Your Layout guide for a more in-depth example along with updating your layout to include a navigation tree and a routing library.

Configurable Layout

The Layout component is used to structure the general layout within your app which can be configured for each app size breakpoint (see AppSizeListener for more information). A general layout has a fixed AppBar at the top of the page, a <main> element that contains your app's main content, a configurable navigation Tree, and a keyboard focusable only link that can skip everything in the AppBar and navigation Tree and focus the <main> content instead.

There are 5 different layout types available within react-md but some of the layouts are not available on smaller devices due to limited screen size.

  • A "temporary" layout will add a hamburger menu into the main fixed AppBar that will show your navigation tree in a Sheet that will be closed automatically once a navigation item has been clicked. This layout type is available for all screen sizes.
  • A "toggleable" layout will add a hamburger menu into the main fixed AppBar that will show your navigation tree once clicked in a persistent panel at the left of the page. While this panel is visible, the main content will have its max-width reduced to accommodate for the size of the panel. The panel can be closed by clicking the back arrow in the header. This layout is only available on tablets and desktops.
  • A "clipped" layout will add some slight box-shadow to your navigation tree and placed below the fixed app bar. The navigation panel will always be visible and the main content will have its max-width reduced to accommodate for the size of the panel. This layout is only available on desktop.
  • A "floating" layout will be exactly the same as the "clipped" layout except that it will have no box-shadow. This layout is only available on desktop.
  • A "full-height" layout will make the navigation panel span the full height of the viewport and offset the title within the AppBar so that it is not covered. This layout is only available on desktop.

This example will allow you to see all the available layout types and play with configuring it for different media types.

This example requires a more screen real estate than what is available so you will need to open it in a full page dialog.

Controlling the Layout

Since there might be times where it is useful to update the temporary and toggleable layouts' visibility, this package also exports a useLayoutConfig hook to help out that returns the current configuration and controls.

The example below will give a quick example using this hook to control the visibility of the navigation panel for non-persistent layouts. This example will also show how to make toggleable layouts default to being visible with a new defaultToggleableVisible prop introduced in react-md@2.6.0.

This example requires a more screen real estate than what is available so you will need to open it in a full page dialog.

Non-Fixed App Bar Layouts

Since you might not want to always have the AppBar fixed to the top of the page for your layout, you can remove the fixed behavior by setting fixed: false with the appBarProps prop:

<Layout {...props} appBarProps={{ fixed: false }}>

The example below will showcase this type of layout along with the temporary-mini layout.

This example requires a more screen real estate than what is available so you will need to open it in a full page dialog.